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Trick-or-Treat Trail Along The Lake

Brought To You by CalabasasMommy.com

Welcome to the Calabasas Mommy Signature event that everyone just cannot wait for!

Halloween celebrations and festivities continue as we come together for a fantastic day at The Lakes at Thousand Oaks where you can spend time on our Trick-or-Treat Trail, play on the playground, hang out for lunch at favorite eateries, and just enjoy community together!

Trick-or-Treat Trail & Health and Education Pop-Up will showcase exhibiting partners, and hand out only healthy treats and non-eatable items.
Our exhibiting partners will host treats for kids from 10am-2pm on the lawn in front of the lake.

*****Kids, come in COSTUME and bring a treat bag to make your rounds*****

Complimentary Family Event


For Exhibitor Opportunities: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/333760926917

Local Sponsor:
Life In The Rabbit Hole Podcast, about Conejo Valley Living https://www.lifeintherabbithole.com

Stay Connected with CalabasasMommy.com and be notified of events by subscribing to our website: https://www.conejoparentpod.com/calabasas-mommy


Oct 22 2022


10:00 am - 2:00 pm

More Info



The Lakes at Thousand Oaks
2200 Thousand Oaks Boulevard, Thousand Oaks, CA, 91362, US

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