15 Summer Activities Your Kids Can Do To Volunteer And Give Back

Summer is a time for going outside, having fun and living life to the fullest! It’s also a perfect time to volunteer and give back.

Kids who volunteer during their summer break can not only have an impact on their community, but they can also learn how rewarding it feels to help others.

Get together with friends and family and do a beach clean-up or park clean-up.

Make a lasagna for Lasagna Love.

Go through toys, books, and clothes and donate to a local organization.

Do a collection of supplies for animal shelters through Pet Pawrtners of SoCal.

Support local homeless through these local volunteers: Jen Lowery and Barry Davis.

Collect plastic caps for the The Buddy Bench Project.

Round up old computers, tablets, and chargers for the The Laptop Elf Project.

Animal adoption organizations often need volunteers.

Paint Rocks and hide them around the South Bay to deliver Kindness through South Bay LA Rocks.