7 Tips To Make Traveling With Kids A Breeze

I learned the hard way that traveling with kids isn’t the same “just with kids.” In the same way we adults prepare for a trip, our kids also need some preparation.

While the age of your kids will determine their needs, here are some ideas to involve your kids in travel planning, manage expectations, and enjoy a smooth vacation!

Manage Expectations

Regardless of age – but especially with the little ones – explain what your days will look like compared to their regular life.

 Give them choices on what they would like to do. Letting them help make some decisions gives them ownership over the trip.

Involve Them In Some Decisions

The same way we adults pour over guide books and blog posts on our destination, we can bring resources home from the library for the kids to look at.

Visit Your Local Library

Watch Travel Shows

Watching as a family creates the opportunity for parents to explain any cultural differences and figure out what kids find interesting.

If you’re traveling with kids to a national park, the Junior Ranger program is an excellent way for them to stay engaged and focused.

Give Them Something To Do