Kindness Club Kidspiration: Thinking Cap & Wishing Crown

We are excited to tell you all about our Kidspiration super star Roman Wrobel! He is going to teach us how to make a thinking cap and wishing crown!
Kindness Club Kidspiration: Thinking Cap & Wishing Crown
Tell us about yourself:
“I am 8 years old and I am going into 3rd grade. I love rock climbing, reading, swimming, play dates, bike riding, boogie boarding, art, building sand castles, music and drumming.”
What is the name of your Kidspiration Idea:
“Thinking Cap and Wishing Crown”
Tell us about Thinking Cap & Wishing Crown idea:
About the book, Sarabella’s Thinking Cap:
“Sarabella always seems to have her “head in the clouds” thinking about the most amazing things. This makes it hard for her to focus inschool and until the teacher assigns art homework that involves drawing your thoughts, Sarabella has a hard time connecting with her fellow classmates and connecting with school work. Instead of just doing the assignment, Sarabella takes it one step further and creates a “thinking cap” that becomes a physical representation of all the beautiful thoughts floating around in her mind. It is through this that Sarabella finds herself connecting with her classmates and learning a way to express herself.”
“In the book Sarabella creates a thinking cap from a brown paper bag to show her imaginings. Roman wanted to make his own thinking cap of all the things that are on his mind and also one that is things he wishes for. You can choose to combine thoughts and wishes or choose just one or make 2 – a thinking cap or wishing crown! We painted our bag first with watercolors, but you could leave plain or color with crayon or marker too.”
Supplies Needed for Thinking Cap:
- Paper bag, like a grocery store bag, or construction paper that wraps
around the head - Scissors
- Paint
- Glue (any white school glue, and i put some in a bowl with a brush for
them to use as well, glue sticks don’t work well on the brown paper
bags ) - Magazine clippings of pictures or words of things you think about or wish for
- Masking tape or stapler
- Watercolors or crayon or marker
- Brushes
- Any craft supplies that you want to use to decorate. (Ideas: markers, feathers, glitter, your own doodles, magazine clippings, cards, …)
Here’s how we made Thinking Cap & Wishing Crown:
What inspired you to share your project with Kindness Club?
“The book called Sarahbella’s Thinking Cap reminded me of my teacher and how kind she is with all children, especially dreamers.”