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Movie in the Park – “The Super Mario Bros. Movie”

Enjoy this fun event at City Hall, overlooking Catalina Island and the Pacific Ocean! Dress warmly, bring blankets and low-slung beach chairs and join us at the Ken Dyda Civic Center, located at 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard (just uphill from the Golden Cove shopping center). Family-friendly activities begin at 7 p.m. Food and refreshments will be provided by a food truck. The movie will start at dusk (around 8:30 p.m.).

Our feature film will be “The Super Mario Bros. Movie.” For more information about this family-friendly film, visit: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6718170/

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Recreation and Parks Department at 310-544-5260 or events@rpvca.gov.
If you are a person with a disability and need an accommodation to participate in programs, services, activities and meetings, contact the City’s ADA Coordinator/Risk Manager at 310-683-3157, adarequests@rpvca.gov, 30940 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275, at least 48 hours in advance to request an auxiliary aid or accommodation.


Aug 26 2023


7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

More Info



Rancho Palos Verdes City Hall

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