Keeping kids cool in the car when it’s hot outside!

Keeping kids cool in the car when it’s hot outside can be challenging. It gets even more difficult when they have to ride in the car seat and don’t have immediate access to air vents. Here are a few products and ideas that can help keep your kiddos cooler, while also making sure they’re riding safely in their car seats!
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Keeping kids cool in the car when it’s hot outside!
1. Dress them lightly. A onesie was always my favorite outfit of choice during hot summer months when my kids were little.
2. Remove any extra padding from the car seat (make sure to follow manufacturer instructions.). Sometimes car seat fabrics are very sweat-inducing. Removing the extra padding when it’s not needed can keep your little one much cooler.
3. Throw a towel over the entire car seat when it’s not occupied. This will help keep the metal pieces cool and prevent them from burning your little one when you place them in the seat!
4. Car seat cooling pads: these are to be used ONLY when the child is not in the seat. They can be frozen or placed in the refrigerator before you travel; and are placed in the seat prior to departure. They help to cool down the seat in preparation for your little one. Remove from seat before you leave and carry it with you In cooler in the car. Here is one that I love:
5. The Noggle! Air isn’t reaching your rear facing kiddo? Try the Noggle! It’s a fabric tube that routes the air directly to your child in the back seat.
6. Cool down the car! When you’re able, turn the car on a few minutes before you leave and blast the air conditioner. This will cool down the vehicle significantly before you all have to hop in.
7. Spray bottle. Carry a small spray bottle of water with you and spritz your little ones as needed. The evaporation of the water will help keep them cool.
8. Window tint! Tinting your windows can really make a difference in how hot your vehicle gets in the blistering heat. Even adding a sun visor to your windshield can help keep the temp quite a bit lower.
9. Shade sox: if you can’t tint your windows, these are a great alternative. Not only do they help keep the sun out of their eyes, but they’ll keep the car a bit cooler too.
10. Cooling towels. These towels will help keep you cool when it’s hot outside. Simply re-wet as needed. Frog Toggs are my favorite:
Summer months can be tough and it’s tempting to use all sorts of products that can interfere with the safety of your seat. You always want to make sure you are keeping those kiddos as safe as you can! If you have any questions about a specific product, please feel free to message us! And enjoy the amazing weather!
Kristen Sanders is a Child Passenger Safety Technician Instructor and owner of Buckle up, Bumblebee; a mobile service that offers private car seat checks and educational classes for families of all backgrounds. You can contact her at or
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New Rear Facing Car seat Guidelines!
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