Lavender: An Essential Oil For Your Summer First Aid Kit

Lavender: An Essential Oil For Your Summer First Aid Kit
Lavender: An Essential Oil For Your Summer First Aid Kit. Even though everywhere you turn now there are back-to-school sales and sweaters in store windows, here in SoCal we are just now heading into the hottest part of Summer! Your family is most likely still dealing with sunburn, scrapes and blisters, and more, so here is an essential oil you can add to your first-aid kit to support everyone’s health naturally. I like using oils with my family because they make me feel empowered when it comes to caring for my two kiddos, and that allows me to worry less and focus more on making memories.
When it comes to natural healthcare, lavender essential oil is one of my go-to oils. It is actually thought to be the most-used essential oil in the world! It is very versatile; think of calming and healing when you think of lavender. It is so gentle that I apply it full strength on myself and the kids, although any essential oil can be diluted with a pure oil like coconut or almond if there is any kind of skin sensitivity. And keep in mind that less is more with essential oils; I use one drop at a time on my young children and two to three drops on myself.
Sunburn Relief
Overdid it at the beach or the pool? Apply lavender to the burned areas to soothe and heal. You can also apply to burns that happen in the kitchen or at the grill.
Lavender for Cuts and Blisters
Apply directly to wound (I pour it on straight from the bottle) to cleanse and heal, as lavender has antibacterial properties. It also makes a great on-the-go hand sanitizer when you are at the park or the beach and can’t get to a sink to wash up.
Lavender for Stress
Apply to temples (always keep oils away from eyes) and back of neck to ease stress and feelings of tension. You can also place a drop in your palms, rub your hands together and then inhale from cupped palms. If the kids are cranky or the baby is fussy, apply the lavender oil to the soles of their feet and/or diffuse with a diffuser.
Lara Scott is a certified aromatherapist, family herbalist, and lifestyle and nutrition coach, along with being an on-air radio and podcast host. Connect with her for a free health consultation here.
Looking for more fun things to do this summer, check out our list of fun things to do with kids and our Community Event Calendar, updated frequently!