Over 20 Tips for New Moms
Having a baby is a beautiful experience! But in addition to excitement and happiness, tends to come lot’s of questions! We asked moms for their advice for new moms and here’s what they had to say…
- “Make your doors (and floors) squeak/creak-free. It will help you leave the nursery or check on your sleeping baby quietly so that they stay asleep!” – Kathy W.
- “I am going to get real with new moms when it comes to traditions and having multiple children. Remember, when you start a tradition (ie, elf on a shelf) you have to continue that tradition every year for many years and if you have more than one child then you have to do with the subsequent children that you did with the first. So try not to set yourself up for something that you have to repeat every holiday that will create a lot of extra work, stress and anxiety. Keep it fun and simple!!!” – Danielle S., Local Business Owner, Core mom and Beach Life Fitness Boutique
- “Congratulations mama to be! My word of wisdom that no one ever told me, your child will loose their SHIT, I mean life destroying crying over brushing teeth, brushing hair, cutting the crust off of a sandwich, peeling the banana, little things that you’ll do everyday, putting water on the toothbrush, opening the toothpaste cap, whatever it may be at that moment just remember to stay cool. Laugh, laugh so hard that you pee a little, that’s the only way you’ll get through it. You might want to laugh internally because if you really laugh out loud that might set them off more! SMH” Kathy C., Blogger, Bel Air Mommie
- “Have a bottle or your breast ready to serve baby as soon as he/she gets their shots. It will instantly sooth and calm them.” – Naza H., Blogger, Sweet P and Sky
- *Get ready to “breath” and let a lot roll off your shoulders.
*Don’t sweat the small stuff.
*Sleep and enjoy your baby, the dishes can wait. - “Mom is #1 … literally! As parents, we tend to put our children first. But like the airlines suggest, put on your oxygen mask first, before helping others. It’s totally okay to eat first, take a warm shower whenever you want or hand baby off to a loving family member to get away for a massage or to grab a well-deserved nap. Happy mom, happy baby!” Julie K., Hot Diggity Awards – Best Products for Families
- “You are your greatest asset. When you take care of yourself, you’ve got more to give. Find your village and invest time in cultivating mom friendships.” Shira A., South Bay Realtor
- “Try to get out of the house once a day! Pick one chunk of time between feedings and go for a walk, out to lunch, to a class with your baby, to visit a friend. It makes a world of difference to get some fresh air and to prove to ourself that you can do it!” – Rachel D., The Parenting Village
- “The days can be slow, but the years go fast”. I wish I would have REALLY fully understood how true this was. Cheryl A., Monkey See Monkey Do Organizing
- “’Always remember that the nights are long but the years are short.’ Everytime I remind myself of this with my 3 children, I calm down and have a smile on my face and in my heart.” – Orly C, Vlogger
- “Build a support network of other moms! There will be some challenging days and having that community to laugh or commiserate with will be key to moving past those challenging days.” – Alice H
- “It is okay to want to work. I could elaborate more! I was a hybrid – SAHM half the time and worked in my field outside the home part time. Now that my kids are older, I am working full time but completely from home. I worked so hard to go to college and grad school, I did not want to abandon that passion when I had my daughters…but I was so torn on whether it was possible to be fully available to them while also pursuing a career. Now, I do both. I wish I would have given myself permission sooner to pursue my career aspirations.” – Jasmine M.
- “Accept help and take as many naps as you can!” – Lara S., Radio Personality & blogger
- ” What an exciting and EXHAUSTING time! I remember it so well and yet it seems like a lifetime ago as my beautiful ‘baby’ is almost FIVE! Above all else, I want you to know you’re not alone on this ride and if you do feel alone- you don’t have to be! I think one of the most important parts of the motherhood journey is community. I am still connected to so many mamas from my mommy and me group and I remember that middle of the night text exchanges, lunches with my babe in arms, fun classes together and walks in the park with my mommy and me circle were part of my lifeline. So I think that’s my best advice – surround yourself with other mamas!” – Jules, co-owner, yoga teacher, mama to Hawk, happy baby
- “Build a network of Moms to turn to for advice and support. Someone somewhere has been through what issue you are going through and it’s great to have the backing of others.” – Lauren S.
- “Your child chose you. Your children are a gift and they picked you to be that special person in their life that they have the honor of calling mom (dad). Relish in that small truth and keep loving, supporting, and teaching them in your words and in your actions. They love you!” – Melissa D., U Help You
- “Sleep isn’t linear, it’s developmental!” – Rachel H.
- “Don’t give yourself a “To Do List”, but rather a “Ta-Da” list. The important things that NEED to happen will happen. At the end of the day, reflect on all the marvelous things you’ve done to be your best and enjoy the new life you have in your arms.” – Christa M. Adaptable Motions
- “I didn’t make this up, but live by it: ‘the days are long, but the years are short.'” – Nazmina K., Local Business Owner, Wondertree Kids
- “Savor this time because it goes by very fast. Take many pictures and videos because you won’t remember much of it during those sleep-deprived first 3-6 months.” – Joanna, joanna blazo organizing designs
- “When the dust settles, take time to find out who you are. I know many people say “take time for yourself” which is great, but it isn’t what I mean. Motherhood, especially of an infant, can be all consuming and we forget that we are people too. Be purposeful about tuning into who you are after motherhood and invest in that person. It is so easy to lose ourselves in this process. You matter, your identity matters, your happiness matters. Don’t forget that!” – Abby W., MFT, Psychotherapist, Withee Family Therapy
- “There is no prefect way to parent. All of us are going to do it differently! The beauty in this is to always remember, your child -your rules! Parent your way!!! You as the parent get to decide how you will rear your children and the type of lifestyle you wan to create for them and your family.” – Melissa D., U Help You
“My piece of advice is to take everyone’s ‘you should do this …’ with grace and do it your way. You’re mom and moms are powerful. There will be times you feel less than and at that point , tighten that superhero cape and conquer.” – Michelle F.
- “Do not be afraid to ask for help! As women and mother’s – first time or not, it’s natural to want to be everything for everyone. But, to take care of your baby, you need to take care of yourself first. That also means asking for help when you need it. Ask friends to bring meals. Ask your spouse to take care of the baby while you tend to self-care, even if that means just an extra long shower by yourself.”- Amber T., Mompreneur, Primped Mommy
Do you have some advice you’d like to add? Drop it in the comments below!